Gelbe Musselin-Polierscheiben

Material: Behandelter Baumwollstoff

Verfügbare Größe der Musselin-Polierscheibe:

Außendurchmesser: 3″-16″

Dicke: 20PLY-60PLY

Innendurchmesser: Wie angepasst

Wird zum Polieren in der mittleren Phase auf Hartmetallen oder zum anfänglichen Polieren auf weichen Metallen verwendet.

  • Beschreibung
  • Anfrage

High-quality yellow muslin buffing wheel

These yellow muslin buffing wheel, made of fine grade yellow treated cotton cloth, sewn with leather center or shellac center or without washer center. These muslin buffs will help remove surface scratches from stainless steel, Aluminium, gold and sterling silver jewelry and other metals. This yellow treated muslin buffing wheel is stiffer than standard muslin buffs, und länger halten.

Recommend polishing compound used with this muslin buffing wheel are as follows:
1. Grüne Poliermassefor middle stage polishing of stainless steel, Stahl, Eisen und andere Hartmetalle

2. Braune Tripolis-Poliermassefor initial polishing on aluminum, Messing, Kupfer, Gold, silver and other soft metals.

The stitching type of this muslin buffing wheel can be concentric sewn oder spiral sewn.


Types of the yellow muslin buffing wheel:

Muslin Buffing Wheel

Yellow treated muslin buffing wheel with leather center








Muslin Buffing Wheels

Yellow treated muslin buffing wheel without washer








Yellow Muslin Buffing Wheel

Yellow treated muslin buffing wheel with shellac center









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