Plissee gelbe Atemwegs-Schwabbelscheibe mit Kartonmitte 6″-18″

Plissee gelbe Atemwegs-Schwabbelscheibe mit Kartonmitte 6″-18″

Material: Gelber, mühlenbehandelter Baumwollstoff

Verfügbare Größe:

Durchmesser: 6″-18″

Schicht: 8Ply-32Ply

Inneres Loch: 10MM, 1/2″, 5/8″, 1-1/4″, 3″, 5″, 7″

Zum Vortrennen von Edelstahl, Stahl, Eisen, Aluminium usw.

  • Beschreibung
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Pleated Yellow Airway Buffing Wheel with Cardboard Center:

• Gelbes fabrikbehandeltes Baumwolltuch

• Zum Primärschneiden

• Stiffer and last longer than pleated white airway buffing wheel

These pleated yellow airway buffing wheels are with cardboard center, easily be used on machines. It made of yellow mill treated cotton cloth and can be made one, two, three, four woven sections per fold, regular pleats serve for self-cooling, very flexible for uneven surfaces.

This yellow airway buffing wheel used for the primary cutting of stainless steel, Stahl, Eisen, Aluminium usw.

Recommend polishing compound: schwarze Polierpaste, grüne Polierpaste, braune Tripoli-Polierpaste.

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