Lucido a lama di coltello, Giallo, Bianco

Materiale: Mussola trattata gialla, mussola bianca di qualità fine

Dimensione del buff del bordo del coltello:

Diametro esterno: 2″-8″

Spessore: 8PLY-12PLY

Buco del pergolato: Pinhole

Ideale per lucidare le zone difficili da raggiungere, come fessure ecc.

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Knife edge buff:

These knife edge buffs are made of fine grade muslin, stitched and tapered from the center to a knife edge and with a leather center. IL knife edge buff have the yellow one and the white one. The yellow knife edge buff is made of yellow treated muslin, make it stiffer and more aggressive. The white knife edge buff is made of white muslin, very soft for final polishing. The yellow one is aggressive than the white one and last long.

The yellow knife edge buff used to remove surface scratches for stainless steel, acciaio, ferro da stiro, alluminio, ottone, copper and other metals. Lavora bene con pasta lucidante verde E composto lucidante tripoli marrone.

The white knife edge buff used for final polishing and buffing on stainless steel, acciaio, ferro da stiro, alluminio, ottone, copper and other metals. Lavora bene con pasta lucidante bianca E composto lucidante blu.

Tipi di mole lucidanti

Picture of the knife edge buff


Yellow knife edge buff

Wite knife edge buff



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