10 Ruota lucidante in sisal da pollici

Materiale: Panno di sisal e panno di cotone

Diametro: 10″

Spessore: 1/2″-2″

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10 Ruota lucidante in sisal in pollici:

• Composto da panno di sisal e panno di cotone

• Thickness: 1/2″-2″

• Per tagli pesanti e lucidatura

PURUI’s 10-inch sisal buffing wheel consists of sisal layers and cotton layers, stitched together and with spiral sewn.

The sisal buffing wheel is more rough and aggressive, particularly used for first-stage heavy-duty cutting and polishing operations on steel and non-ferrous metals. And also for removing grinding marks left from previous abrasive operations on stainless steel.

The standard thickness of the 10-inch sisal buffing wheel is 1 sezione, 1 section = 1/2″, and the maximum thickness is 4 sections 2″.

Per i migliori risultati, la nostra mola lucidante in sisal deve essere utilizzata con il grigio, tripoli nero o marrone composto lucidante.

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