Roda de polimento de sisal com arruela plástica tratada com laranja

Material: Pano de sisal e pano de algodão, laranja tratado

Tamanho disponível:

Diâmetro: 3″-12″

Espessura: 1/4″-2″

Buraco de árvore: Orifício, 10MILÍMETROS

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  • Descrição
  • Investigação

Roda de polimento de sisal com arruela plástica tratada com laranja:

• Orange treated

• Hardness between the pink treated sisal buffing wheel and blue treated sisal buffing wheel

• Para cortes pesados

The orange treated sisal buffing wheel is made of sisal cloth and cotton cloth. One layer sisal cloth, one layer cotton cloth. Orange treated and mounted with a pair of plastic washer.

These sisal mops can be used on a bench grinder, rebarbadora e brocas que com um adaptador de eixo cônico.

The hardness of the orange treated sisal buffing wheel is between the pink treated sisal buffing wheel and the blue treated sisal buffing wheel. Mais agressivo. Used for heavy cutting of stainless steel, aço, ferro, alumínio e outros metais.

Recomendar o uso com composto de polimento preto e composto de polimento tripoli marrom.

We supply kinds of types of sisal buffing wheel with a plastic washer. Ranked by the hardness is blue treated sisal buffing wheel, laranja tratado, pink treated and nature.

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